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This online conference will focus on digital construction and construction technology. There has been a real surge in the uptake of new technology and innovation within the construction industry of...

The program for the CCA annual conference is now live and we are thrilled to bring our delegates a robust program filled with industry leading sessions, socials, and networking opportunities. This...

The OAA’s virtual Conference is taking place from May 17 to 21, bringing together all-inclusive ConEd sessions as well as free, online public events, including the SHIFT2021 Celebration, a panel on...

While many in the architecture profession are aware of the significant economic and environmental advantages of improving carbon performance in new and existing buildings, the OAA is working to...

Meet your Colleagues, Celebrate Your Profession and Get Informed from the Comfort of Your Chair! The CSLA-OALA Congress Planning Committee will be offering the 2021 Congress via an online platform...

Drastic Summit 2021 is positioned to be the world’s largest and most inclusive real estate technology, proptech, contech & urban Innovation summit in the world, featuring more than 70 speakers...

Registration for the North American Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference is now open. NATEAC 2021, a virtual conference, will take place from July 20-22, 2021. The registration fee is $145...

Since taking on the position of Lieutenant Governor in 2014, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell has travelled provincially and internationally, with a focus on hearing and sharing stories of...

Passive House Canada, in collaboration with the Tower Renewal Partnership, is pleased to present the Tower Retrofit Symposium. Borne from the idea that best practices from deep energy retrofits...

The Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society (CHES) will be holding its 41st Annual Conference in a virtual platform September 28-29,2021.  The theme of the 2021 Virtual Conference is “Enriching...

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Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our online form.