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Nomination for Honorary Members

Section 28 of the Regulations under the Architects Act provides for the nomination by Council of Honorary Members of the Association, persons who have rendered significant and valuable service to the architectural profession. You may submit names for Council's consideration including the reasons for your nomination along with as much background material as possible. Submissions will be considered by Council on May 12, 2021. Council will then propose individuals for election as Honourary Members at the 2021 Annual Meeting of members.

For more information, contact Tina Carfa. Honorary Membership is one of the highest honors the Ontario Association of Architects can bestow on a person outside of the profession of architecture. Honorary membership may also be bestowed on an individual who has previously held a licence under the Architects Act.

Honorary Members are a ‘class of persons whose interests are related to those of the Association’ defined in Regulation 27 under the Architects Act as “...persons who have rendered to the architectural profession signal or valuable service or who have scrupulously upheld the objects of the Association...”

The Council of the Ontario Association of Architects nominates individuals for Honorary Membership based on requests for consideration by members of Council or other members of the profession.

In accordance with the Regulation, the ‘official’ election of an Honorary Member occurs at the annual meeting of members based on a nomination by the Council. Upon election, the individual will be acknowledged to both the OAA membership and the general public after the AGM. 

An Honorary Member is entitled to receive general information issued by the Association and to attend the annual and general meeting of members of the Association, but is not entitled to vote at such meetings. If the Honorary Member was previously the holder of a licence, he or she may use the title “architect (retired)”. An Honorary Member is also eligible to serve on non-statutory committees and task groups.

Specific Procedures

Invitation for Suggestions:

A notice is placed in the January/February edition of OAA News each year inviting all members to suggest to Council persons who might be appropriate for nomination as Honorary Members. A specific deadline will be provided within the notice, which will coincide, with the preparation of materials for the March/May meeting of Council. Council members are also invited to suggest individuals for Council’s consideration.

Required Materials for Submission:

Suggestions for nomination must include the following items:

  1. A letter to Council requesting consideration of an individual for nomination which describes the contribution to the profession which is the basis for the nomination.
  2. Four additional letters of support from members of the profession
  3. A Draft citation for the individual which would be read during the Annual Meeting of Members.

Circulation of Suggestions:

All suggestions, including those of Councillors must be received within the deadline specified in the OAA News Bulletin. The deadline allows for the material to be included in the In camera package for the March/May meeting of Council. This ensures adequate opportunity for individual Councillors to review and consider the suggestions prior to the meeting. All information as noted above must be submitted.

Nomination at the May Meeting of Council:

Suggestions for Nomination will be considered during the In camera portion of the meeting. Only those individuals whose name and required information were circulated with the meeting package will be considered. A majority vote of those present is required to carry the nomination.

Preparation for Election at the Annual Meeting:

The individual who suggested the nomination is contacted and asked to move the motion for election at the upcoming Annual Meeting. One of the individuals who supported the suggestion will be asked to second the motion.

Election at the Annual Meeting:

The nomination for election is moved and seconded, the citation is read and the question is called. A vote of four-fifths of the members present at the meeting is required. (Regulation 27 subsection 28(3))

Guidelines for the nomination:

In making a decision with respect to the nomination of an individual for Honorary Membership Council will take into consideration the following principles:

The award is not intended to recognize an individual’s industry or success within that industry. Care should be taken to avoid awarding Honourary Membership in circumstances which may be perceived as self-interest on the part of the profession or the individuals making the suggestion/nomination for personal advancement.

Care should be taken to avoid awarding Honorary Membership to individuals whose contribution to the profession has been primarily motivated by self-interest.

The honour is not intended to recognize ‘one-time’ or short-term activities of an individual related to the architectural profession, but rather recognizes and honors contribution and commitment to the architectural profession over a long term.

The honour is intended for individuals that will truly appreciate being recognized and honoured by the architectural profession in this manner.

Councillors should have regard for ‘conflict or interest’ when suggestions for nomination are being considered by Council.

There is no requirement that any nominations be made in any given year.

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